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Whose Brand Are You Building? Part 1

Attraction Marketing

Attraction Marketing

Attraction marketing may be the buzz word that is commonly touted by online and social media marketers, otherwise known as internet marketers. Yet, what does this mean? As a real estate agent, it is important for you to know what this type of marketing is. The reason for this importance is that it will likely be only one of the most profitable tools you have to secure low cost online marketing and one that is highly effective in finding prospective buyers and sellers of real estate.

Real estate agents can find success using this method to help them to develop their online presence. Attraction marketing works in any real estate sector, industry or niche. When applied effectively, it is a low cost, long term success tool no agent should go without.

What Is It?

The short definition of what attraction marketing is may seem too simple. It is merely a term that means that the agent uses the internet to help attract prospects to their real estate business.

To take this to another level, attraction marketing can be defined as bringing people to you rather than your going after them. In other words, attraction marketing is attracting prospects, customers, and clients to you by adding value, providing solutions, serving your target market, and creating content that addresses your target market’s challenges.

Attraction marketing is not approaching your prospects first by pitching a listing which is more like repel marketing. Using repel marketing techniques are very common online. You have seen the approach where someone always seems to be pitching a listing. The more this in your face approach is used, the more your prospects are repelled or they ignore you.

The best way to understand repel marketing is to look at the way in which most traditional, print or non-online real estate advertising is conducted. Essentially in traditional real estate advertising, countless dollars are spent to a find a prospective client. Thousands of dollars are spent on direct mail post cards, billboards, and radio station ads. Advertisements go to the most likely prospect rather than the prospect approaching the agent for a need.

In attraction marketing, the prospective client comes to you for your services because you have benefited them by providing value to them in some way. This value is information in the form of blog posts, videos, articles, Facebook live streams, hosting webinars, e-books, and so much more. This allows you to build relationships, create raging fans, and gain trust. In doing so, your prospects will then contact you to contract for your services. Ultimately, this allows for the agent to do well since value is being presented in a pleasant manner.

So, attraction marketing is not about catchy slogans and flashy ads. Rather, it is a method of providing value to people in the way of information. Your prospects then seek out your services because they are already interested. Mastering this can help a real estate business to grow quickly.

The Question Is: Does It Work?

Does attraction marketing work? The short answer to this question is yes, but there are plenty of fantastic examples of how it works. Two good examples are the 2008 campaign of President Barack Obama and the 2016 campaign of President Donald Trump. No matter what side of the ticket you supported, one thing should be said: according to many political consultants, they both used internet marketing, including attraction marketing methods, which helped them to win their respective election.

Obama and Trump used the various tools in internet marketing to help them to win their elections because their campaigns knew the importance and success it could bring. The world goes to the web to learn what it needs in today’s culture. More so, the internet provides an easy, affordable way to reach millions of people every single day. No other medium offers this.

The question is, how did Obama and Trump use attraction marketing to win the Presidential Election of the United States? Using attraction marketing tools, websites, and even things like Google AdWords helped them to make it happen.

In fact, Twitter was used by Presidents Obama and Trump as one of the many methods of attraction marketing. By gaining a huge following and communicating directly to them in short Tweets, they could converse with everyday people, put their message out and do it all without spending a penny for it.

Another example of this is Facebook. Most people know that Facebook is the great social media phenomenon of the 21st century. Many individuals use Facebook to get their news, social updates, connect with each other and to chat with their friends. Presidents Obama’s and Trump’s Facebook business pages were yet another form of attraction marketing that helped them to get their message out.

Facebook Messenger, coupled with tools such as ManyChat is extending the trend, and is now known as Facebook Messenger Marketing. In fact, businesses, politicians, and even employers are using it as a tool to also connect with others.

As you can see, there are excellent ways that attraction marketing works. While most of us are not trying to win an election, understanding more about this tool and how to best use it can be used to help virtually anyone to gain success in building a raging fan base.

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